Lynn Yates Gives the Chris Jamison Scholarship
We are so thrilled to announce the Chris Jamison Scholarship! We are very grateful to his daughter, Lynn Yates, who is generously providing the tuition for one student per semester to attend Fizer Fine Art classes. Chris mentored Jason from Jason’s childhood until Chris passed away in 2011. He was known in Roanoke (and beyond) for his excellent commercial and fine art. For a more complete biography on this fine man, please see what Lynn wrote below.
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Applications for Fall 2024 are due by August 10. Please mail completed applications to Fizer Fine Art at 250 Preston Ave Roanoke, VA 24012.
Chris H. Jamison, Jr.
Born September 18, 1921, in Callaway, Virginia, Chris Jamison grew up in southeast Roanoke City and attended Jefferson High School. The oldest of five siblings growing up during the Depression, he did not have many opportunities to explore his love of drawing and illustration. Nevertheless, he learned early on the values of hard work and determination, and he applied that energy to developing his craft, taking every opportunity to develop his love of drawing and illustration by avidly reading art books and magazines. He drew cartoons and quick landscapes as a child and quickly became known for his ability to draw and produce good art. During high school, his part-time job was painting “in reverse” the prices of food items on the large plate glass windows of A & P Grocery on the downtown Market Square.
After high school, he was drafted into the Army Air Force. In WWII, he served in the Pacific theatre, as a flight engineer on B-24 bombers.
After the war, he attended Art Center School in Los Angeles, California on the “GI Bill” and there furthered his skill in unusual art techniques and his love of art design and illustration. He returned to the Roanoke area to pursue a career in commercial art/advertising. After working as a layout production artist, he was promoted to the position of Art Director at Houck Advertising, where he stayed until retirement. Jamison often said he worked during the era of professional art, where the artist thought up the creative idea, produced the proposal, and finished the project in fine art. His later career progressed into the era of commercial art when the artist designs and draws the concept in illustration, and the final product is done on location with photography. Today the idea and finished layout are all accomplished by graphic artists on computers. Mr. Jamison would have marveled at this quick and efficient technology in use today.
Mr. Jamison continued his education throughout life by studying under such masters as Daniel Greene, John Howard Sanden, and Raymond Kinsler. When he retired from a 30-year career in commercial art, he turned his attention to his love of fine art. He opened his own freelance studio and concentrated on portrait art and other genres. He excelled in watercolor, pastel, casein, and oil, and migrated easily among landscapes, still lifes, illustration, and portraiture. He loved the use of light and shadow in his intricate paintings, and he was able to capture the detail of the story and highlight that focal point in his art. He was very prolific and produced many works currently hanging in physician offices, churches, and residences both in Virginia and across the country. He often said he was the luckiest man in the world because he never regretted going to work. He loved what he did and enjoyed going to work each day. He continued to enjoy his art until his final days.
Jason and Elizabeth Fizer give the Eden Scholarship

“Life is pain.” “Paradise Lost.” Life began in a garden but has ended up in a war zone. How did we end up here? And how do we deal with the tragedy we face?
On July 2, 2014, our beautiful niece, Eden Wang-Hua Clark, was born. She had gorgeous eyes and a life-giving smile. She was a born fighter. 110 days and many surgeries later, she passed away. Our lives and hearts will never be the same. How do we cope?
Eden’s name tells a great story. “Eden” is the name of the first garden – the garden where life began; the garden where Jehovah God placed the first man and woman to live; the garden where He visited with them each day in the cool of the evening. But we know that garden is lost; a picture of our separation from Jehovah. And with our separation from the garden and from Jehovah, we have untold pain. But we also have hope! “Wang-Hua” is Chinese for “Hope in Jehovah.” Jehovah God did not leave us alone in our despair. He did not separate Himself completely. He did not desert us. Oh no. He walked with us in our pain. He shared (and still shares) our sorrows. He is well acquainted with grief. He could’ve separated Himself from such pain and spared Himself such sorrow, but His great love for us compelled Him to remain close. And so He also became our Rescuer! In the greatest story ever told, He came to earth, lived a perfect (and painful) life, took our punishment on Himself, and died on a cross. But, glory to His name, He defeated Death, and returned to life three days later! And so, we have great Hope! This Hope is our life.
Every week, Pain walks through our studio door. Often it is hidden, kept in the recesses. Sometimes it leaks out in a tear, a cry, a comment, a look. We hurt as we watch our students deal with pain beyond what a person should have to bear. We are so thankful to be allowed to be part of their lives. And we long to comfort with the comfort we have received in our own pain.
It is in this spirit that we offer the Eden Scholarship. It’s our way of saying, “We love you. We are so sorry for the pain. If we can help, we are here.”
Jason and Elizabeth Fizer
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Applications for Fall 2024 are due by August 10. Please mail completed applications to Fizer Fine Art at 250 Preston Ave Roanoke, VA 24012.